Telegram, blessing or a curse? Telegram Initially introduced to public use in year 2013 and was advertised as a secure and simple instant messenger and media sharing application. Through out the years Telegram showed that it is reliable and secure. Dilemma of the anonymity Maintaining privacy and security in any environment is very important and maintains our basic rights for private life. This is very crucial in our modern era when privacy seems existing , but only in theory. The sad reality is that our devices collect personal data, metadata , location data etc. Considering all the factors anonymity is a fresh breath of freedom for those who realize the value of privacy. On the other hand anonymity is a big factor for illicit actions. When real identity is hidden behind nicknames , location is unknown people do not have the fear of legal consequences , they do not care about ethical and human interaction. Anonymity of Telegram allows people to sell child porn,drugs, ...
Showing posts from February, 2021
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Paper data storage Paper the way we usually use is horrible inefficient. Handwriting and printing does not utilize full data capacity of the paper. It is about 10 000 characters per page. A4 surface are is 0.06237 square meters compared to 1.3 terabits per 0.00064516 square meter is a significant difference. But before the invention of magnet data storage devices there was only one way to persistently store data and it was paper based data storage. Humans used paper for storing information for ages , but it was all human language and it indeed stored the data, but computers could not understand it , because they are all binary. As number grow bigger and technologies were improved and first cathode lamps were stitched up into a computer paper based punched cards were introduced. Punched card storage principle was evolved over a long time and no one knows who was the inventor. In the 19th hundred punched cards were used in a carpet loom for its automation. The H...
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Why FireWire failed the market dominance Introduction FireWire allows users to connect storage devices and other peripherals to host computers, giving unparalled flexibility in data capture,storage, transportation, and backup capabilities. FireWire allows devices to be hot swapped from one computer to another. Hot swapping allows FireWire storage devices (as well as other peripherals, such as video cameras) to be physically attached to a FireWire port,automatically mounted on the desktop, accessed, and then unmounted /disconnected at the command of the user. Causes of failure Apple has been always greedy and charged 1$ per port royalty for devices using their technology. Later on the royalties claim was revoked , bad reputation can not be washed off that quickly. Year later USB 2.0 arrived that had no additional royalties claims if the 1.0 version was already paid and computer industry rapidly adopted the newcomer. With Apple serial ports, ethernet, SCSI, IDE, and USB, speed upg...