Telegram, blessing or a curse?


Initially introduced to public use in year 2013 and was advertised as a secure and simple instant messenger and media sharing application. Through out the years Telegram showed that it is reliable and secure.

Dilemma of the anonymity

Maintaining privacy and security in any environment is very important and maintains our basic rights for private life. This is very crucial in our modern era when privacy seems existing , but only in theory. The sad reality is that our devices collect personal data, metadata , location data etc. Considering all the factors anonymity is a fresh breath of freedom for those who realize the value of privacy. 

On the other hand anonymity is a big factor for illicit actions. When real identity is hidden behind nicknames , location is unknown  people do not have the fear of legal consequences , they do not care about ethical and human interaction. Anonymity of Telegram allows people to sell child porn,drugs, people, guns , stolen credit cards etc. All of this behavior is unacceptable , but it is present.

Experiments on the illicit actions

Due to anonymity of the secured messaging and anonymous payment methods scheduled substances, illicit content can be bought almost in 3-4 clicks. The advertisement is not hidden , army of bots spam/flood social media to get new "customers". Personal research showed that Estonia major cities are flooded with illicit substances. In scale of the whole world there is nothing material that money can not buy.

Blessing or a curse

Summarizing on the topic all comes up to one factor and it is human factor. Telegram is only a tool for communication and media source. How the tool is used is determined only and only by the end user. Communication , news , hobby groups, content hub that is all Telegram, but drugs, child porn, terrorism is also Telegram. YOU CHOOSE!


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