WiFi or Welcome hackers!

Vulnerable networks

Most of the local Internet/Telephone/TV service providers offer a router and other media devices to customers. The security of the network is beared on the shoulders of the consumer. In most cases the consumer does not even know how to change the name of the wireless access point.

How it works?

Routers that act as wireless access points work mostly in 2.4 GHz range and are protected with a key. The key encryption is usually WPA,WPA-PSK , sometimes WEP. At the first glance it may seem that everything is fine and the network is protected with good key  aprox. 8 symbols, consisting of letters (mostly uppercase) and numbers. 

 About a hour and a half

At the first glance it may seems very robust and safe, but the problems only begin from here. False confidence of security is provided by the wireless access point key and "why me? i am not important" mindset. WEP key encryption is rare due to lack of protection. WEP encrypted key does not even have to be brute-forced. Some script kiddie could just listen to the traffic transmission and when he has required amount of the packets just compose the key from the repeated pattern. 

WPS can be easily exploited and also brute-forced by hackers in blink on older router models and up to few days depending on what router the target has.

WPA and WPA-PSK have no exploits. The only way to obtain the wireless access point key is to brute-force it. For the first part they deauthenticate the user from the wireless access point , forcing the user to resend the encrypted key. Hackers repeat it for 2 to 3 times , to make sure that the packet contains the key . For the second part they take the packet and brute-force the key out of it. People say , i have difficult password , but in most cases in example "Starman" uses Cisco router, where default password consists of 9 digits and can be cracked wit GTX 10th card within aprox. 1 hour and 30 mins.


"The biggest security risk is always located between the keyboard and the chair“ - an IT maxim.

People who are not engaged in IT sphere does not bother about they privacy in the WEB. Education of the user is the best countermeasure for preventing security breaches, stealing personal data and other security issues. Even if you say clearly , that default password is bad and insecure, you have to explain why it is so.


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