
 Arch Linux VS Pop_OS When comparing Arch Linux vs Pop!_OS, the Slant community recommends Arch Linux for most people. In the question“What are the best Linux distributions for desktops?” Arch Linux is ranked 1st while Pop!_OS is ranked 29th. The most important reason people chose Arch Linux is: " Arch's goal of simplicity means there's usually one preferred way to get things done - through organized and well documented configuration files. This focus, combined with the community's recognition that configuration files can be intimidating, has resulted in excellent documentation that's accessible to newcomers, and very instructive about how Linux actually works. The documentation is often so thorough that, when searching for solutions to problems while using other distributions, such as with video card drivers, oftentimes you'll find the most effective solution in the [Arch Linux wiki]( or on the forums." Pros of Arch L...
  Access to computers - and anything which might teach you something about the way the world works - should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On Imperative!   Basic  concept , it works most of the time with the "All information should be free". The ethical side says that i should use it to improve my knowledge on how the world works, but the dark side says:" lets cook some bombs and blow something up just for fun".  If i will learn the basics of physics , math or how to make bombs it all is just information and knowledge, it depends how people will implement it. I believe that that concept must be implemented evrywhere.   All information should be free. No-no and no ! If all information would be available to the public, some companies could not grow so big, some secrets just have to be obfuscated. If all information were available for free and not copyrighted/patented the level of competition on the marked will be lower than it actually is. Mi...
 WiFi or Welcome hackers! Vulnerable networks Most of the local Internet/Telephone/TV service providers offer a router and other media devices to customers. The security of the network is beared on the shoulders of the consumer. In most cases the consumer does not even know how to change the name of the wireless access point. How it works? Routers that act as wireless access points work mostly in 2.4 GHz range and are protected with a key. The key encryption is usually WPA,WPA-PSK , sometimes WEP. At the first glance it may seem that everything is fine and the network is protected with good key  aprox. 8 symbols, consisting of letters (mostly uppercase) and numbers.   About a hour and a half At the first glance it may seems very robust and safe, but the problems only begin from here. False confidence of security is provided by the wireless access point key and "why me? i am not important" mindset. WEP key encryption is rare due to lack of protection. WEP encrypted k...
 Fall of the Google Glass I heard so many people talking about it before it was accessible. This project seemed as a leap into future and fast information access way. Unfortunately this hyped and promising project flopped hard. Product failed because creators failed to define and validate the users and what problems it was solving for them. Instead they assumed the product would sell itself even without real solutions or value, that its hype would be enough to appeal to everyone. Lack of scenarios when product can be used  There was no consensus among the creators about the core use cases of Google Glass. One group argued that it could be worn all day as a fashionable device while another thought it should be worn for specific utilitarian functions. Either way, both believed that Glass promising features would speak for themself and users would define the use cases entirely not caring about users needs and concerns. Product with questionable value Once Google Glass was rel...
 Don't abuse your power Knowledge is power and in case of human relations wielding sensitive knowledge can be very powerful. What is online blackmail? ‘Online blackmail’ is the act of threatening to share information about an individual (including images or video) to the public, their friends or family online, unless a demand is met. Online blackmail can take place in any online service, website or app. Blackmailers may be more likely to make threats on private messaging services where images and videos can be shared. However, they may threaten to share information or images in more public social media services - such as their favourite social media platform. Threats of defamation Defamation is the main tool of black mailers. Victims of black mailers are threated by defamation. Typically black mailer relies on victims ignorance on law and the fear of defamation.   Extortion Extortion and black mail are tightly bonded toghether. Acquired sensitive data by the black ma...
  Open Source Copyleft Licenses Both copyleft and permissive licenses allow developers to copy, modify, and redistribute code (derivative or otherwise) freely. The most important difference between the two, however, lies in how each approaches copyright privileges. While permissive licenses allow developers to include their own copyright statements, copyleft licenses provide no such privilege. Instead, copyleft license rules require all derivative works to be subject to the original license. This means that developers cannot make patent or copyright claims on the original software. Public domain This is the most permissive type of software license. When software is in the public domain, anyone can modify and use the software without any restrictions. Important to mention that a code that has not been licensed or code snippets on the internet are not automatically in public domain license. Public domain is a true representation of free/open .When copyright expires, copyrig...
 Music Copyright Complicated Copyright Many musicians encounter the intimidation of law, making music is an art and art can be very abstract . How can something that had been born inside someones head be unique and not anything like other people work. Law that relates to someone craft happens to be one of the most complex of law. Law is protecting, but what? The area of law that most impacts music is copyright.  While most musicians have surely heard the term copyright before, what is it exactly? Copyright protects various forms of creative  expression that are fixed in a tangible form. But in reality there is two forms of creativity that is protected by the law and are the most frequently envolved: musical works and sound recordings. That means that ownership of musical works are the authors alone, but when recording/releasing a song on a lable, the label recieives a copyright and a right to sell the work. Authors rights As the owner of a copyright, you are granted cer...